Having a crush is fine until…

1 min readSep 21, 2022

Having a crush is fine

Pining on him all day

Looking into his deep eyes

But all this never stays

Having a crush is fine until

He starts encoaching you mind

Creeping into your thoughts

Starting to pull you behind

Having a crush is fine until

His eyes start looking away

And it dawns upon you, finally

He never looked at you that way

Having a crush is fine until

You start questioning your beauty

The “Well, I’m just not pretty enough”

Starts becoming a big insecurity

Having a crush is fine until

At nights you start to cry

Because he never notices you

Despite how hard you try

Having a crush is fine until

It's not fine anymore

And now you have to work on

Throwing these feelings out the door

Credits : A school friend for giving me the idea




15 year old, dog-lover and bookworm, who finds solace in writing | Twitter: @kalyani_puranik